Category Archive: Archives
Read and view the work of artists from Previous Issues.
Anthony St. George-Fiction
“The Mud Club. It’s right around here somewhere.” Our foreign comms units weren’t granted access to Texas communications. We knew our Central States’ units would be blocked before we left and had planned to buy a convertor chip but hadn’t had a chance yet. Remembering that the tourist bars were on 6th Street, we counted our way up there. We passed dark dance halls, closed virtual world entertainment cafés, and what must have been seven barbecue joints promising exotic synthetic meats from places like Brazil (tapir), Malaysia (sun bear), and the deadly snakes of Australia.
Douglas Steward-Fiction
Looking back, I could have avoided a whole lot of trouble if I had just handled things with Tamsin in an adult fashion. Perhaps had a chat with her over a joint behind the Farm King. Tell her I was a married woman and couldn’t carry on like that.
I’m kidding myself. Nothing would have helped. Certainly not talking about it.
I’m kidding myself. Nothing would have helped. Certainly not talking about it.