Once, I loved someone and they left for no reason. I said I wanted to die but I didn’t. I only wanted to say it. I guess, thinking back, there was a reason she left me.
Thought bubble in ink: I can hear someone breathing. At our family table the breath of blown-out candles. In my back yard hideout breath of wanting. Breath of secrets.
what ever happened to just sleeping in listening to the neighbours shitting next door through thin walls behind music?
I remember how, when he finished, when he stood up and disappeared, I just looked up at the sky, softly bleeding, the storm clouds coming in, how even the sky looked like it was ready to fight
All that is left now/Is to climb over the tower/Using eyes that see beyond seeing/To find that there is no love on the other side/Just as none exists on this side.
I cannot recommend general anesthesia:/the room cold, the nurses all-business/as they move you to the table on three.
The sun pretends it doesn’t know where it’s going /each night. Its boat just follows the ocean currents,/like blood flowing from an open wound.
I made you nothing for dinner tonight,/though the fridge was full/and I had the time
The moon goes up/the moon goes down/and still she’s saying oh/mother, the world,/it’s so rotten, let’s die/together.
Just once I want blood to flood/his cheeks — the Red Drake,/the Communist Flag, the/Land of the Rising Sun/rising to his surface like/fish in a dynamited lake.
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