May the 5 Be With You

5 is a handful.  A greeting or farewell by wave.  An introduction by clasp.  A celebration by slap, frat-bro high or old-school low.

5 is also a prime – the third smallest prime, the second Super-prime, and the first Good prime.  And, not to be outdone by “2 to tango” “menage á 3” or “figure 8,” 5 is also known (by math nerds) as the “Sexy prime.”

In the world of Numerology, the key characteristics of 5 are Curiosity, Wanderlust and the need for adventure, excitement and experimentation.

All this is just a fancy way of saying:  the Thieving Magpie is now a feisty 5 years old!

Yet with this, its 20th Issue, the Thieving Magpie does not offer a “Special Anniversary” Issue.  No bonus sections, guest stars or fancy bells and whistles (we are on a budget, after all).  Issue 20 simply chugs along, admittedly with some swagger, to offer the same commitment to great writing and art by an international bevvy of writers and artists who may have their fun and strut their stuff but who also take their craft seriously and present it to the world with heartfelt joy.

Our Nest of Mayhem has been lined with this Literary Mischief season after glorious season since December 2017.

So give it a click!  Peruse the links, the words, the art, the social media feeds, leave comments, send to friends and family.  Most important, join in, submit your work, take part in your creative communities!  Because even the smallest creative action is Good action, Super action, Sexy action that satisfies the 5 in all of us.