the Thieving Magpie turns 1!

the Thieving Magpie, Winter 2018/19
but nobody has gone fishing or flown south for Winter…

the Thieving Magpie has survived its first year! Last winter, our goal was to launch one issue each season, full of excited and exciting writers, poets and visual artists. We did miss one season, but we haven’t given up on our goal. And we are even late to launch this Issue, our First Anniversary Issue.

But here we are! Still. Still chirping. Still flapping. Still finding and gathering odd and precious gems of literary mischief from around the world, and still presenting them in our cozy little nest of mayhem. And happily so.

Gracing the virtual pages of this Anniversary Issue (Issue 4!) is a Parliament of Magpies that includes returning artists as well as new voices and visual artists. For each member of this Anniversary group, the Thieving Magpie is extremely grateful. And to all poets, writers, essayists, artists and photographers the Thieving Magpie has one message: Keep reading, keep creating, keep sending us your best works.

Onward to Year 2.