Thom Young – 3 Poems

Channel Five
wrote a letter to a deaf girl in Iowa
then got an ice pick to clear out the spider webs
and beer caps
there’s a war in Russia
and war in my head
but sometimes a lost battle
leads to victory
so finding myself in a mirror
I went to check on her
she has water and a pack of crackers
just out of reach
chained to the boiler in the basement
with a smile
I wonder what’s on channel five

I am the American
kissing the sky with a manicured
lawn with skeletons
buried in the backyard
two point five brats
staring at a dull
please don’t wake me
please don’t
wake me when it’s almost over

a rose for the American girls
that would soon as love you
as carry your body out in black trash bags
a rose for the Butterscotch street lamps
in Los Angeles that light a path to my demise
a rose for my love somewhere better than this